The "Letting Go" Workshop
with Hillary Swift, RYT 200 & Jessica Lohrey, Certified Yoga Therapist
Service Description
This workshop is for the big feelers and over-thinkers who want to learn how to navigate and dance with the currents of life rather than fight against them or try to control them. What does “letting go” mean? Freedom from painful stories Being present to your feelings Reducing your anxiety Moving through resistance Freedom from overthinking Having a better understanding of your thoughts, feelings, and behavior Letting go is a process and something that we must continue to do throughout our lives as we grow, change, and evolve. Identify what you're ready to let go of so that you can begin the process. Learn how to move through and release difficult feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, and cultivate skills for self-regulation. This session will include discussion and intention setting, restorative yoga postures, journaling, and meditation.
507 South College Avenue, Oxford, OH, USA